Most recent modifications: 12 July 2002: migration from Geocities (Yahoo) to Tripod
21 April 2002: photos of model Sarah Orbanic (see "people")
15 July 2000: photos of model Tina Jo Orban (see "people")
1 November 1999: buy the best books on photography at
Amazon (see "links")
I like photographs. I have chosen to show you some good photographs
taken randomly from the Net, preferably in places that I have visited myself.
These pictures will be changed from time to time, as I discover new interesting
Girl on a boat. Fill flash
lightens the dark shadows created by bright sidelighting to produce a pleasing
portrait (Photographer: Neil Montanus, Kodak film)(12k)
Evi Hanssen is the winner
of the Agfa Look Award '96 (Agfa ActionCam Digital Camera. Photographer:
Roger Dijckmans)(7k)
Fashion, by Barbara Brodnick
on a Canon camera (7k)
And then, there is that full page on a model who has the same family name
as myself: Tina Jo Orban
... and another page on a model that has a quite similar name:
Sarah Orbanic
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Last updated on 15 February 2008