Name: Alex Orban
Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Longmeadow, Massachusetts Time: 1997-04-10 19:36:00 Comments: Great page, Andre! Fascinating research and interesting reading. Thanks for sharing this with us. |
Name: Alex
Referred by: Net Search From: Woodridge,MB. Canada Time: 1997-03-29 11:25:00 Comments: I was very impressed with your "Orban Family Hematology" Will contact you via E-mail. Alex |
Name: Susanne
Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Vermont Time: 1997-03-27 11:32:00 Comments: Nice to know there is so many of us. Did anyone else get teased about their last name? |
Name: Ruth
and Steve Taylor
Referred by: NewsGroups From: Buckingham, PA Time: 1997-03-23 19:28:00 Comments: Nice job. I'll be sure to bookmark your page. Can't wait to begin my page on Geocities |
Name: Dennis
Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: San Antonio, Texas Time: 1997-03-23 14:57:00 Comments: Are photos shown here protected under copyright and royalty-free? Please advise. Some of these are quite beautiful and I appreciate your efforts in making these available. If they are protected under copyright or usage requires a royalty be paid, please advise how I may contact some of the photographers to use some of their work. Thank you once again. |
Name: Alex Orban
Referred by: From LinkExchange From: Woodridge,Manitoba,Canada R0A 2N0 Time: 1997-03-19 18:41:00 Comments: Very good page. Very impressive Orban History. My Father Orban Andras 1903-1990; born in Lueta, Harghita, Romania. Will contact you when E-Mail Address established |
Name: Johan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Time: 1997-03-15 12:58:00 Comments: Very good homepage !!!!!! |
Name: Jon
W. Orr
Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Wasilla, Alaska Time: 1997-03-08 20:49:00 Comments: Working on my own home page featuring old airliners still flying in Alaska. Was looking for some pictures of airliners and came across your site, looks good! |
Name: Hank
Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Syracuse, New York Time: 1997-03-02 13:32:00 Comments: I am new to this Web page and will check it out further. |
Name: orban
Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Belgium Time: 1997-02-28 01:58:00 Comments: in France near Albi there is a little city with name Orban; it is a nice city in the Gorges du Var |
Name: Cynthia
Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA Time: 1997-02-25 12:47:00 Comments: My husband is of Hungarian descent from the Bekes region. His family left Budapest in 1944 when the bombs were raining down. They settled in Bavaria until 1950 when they came to the US. He is looking for info on the Orban family and we have visited Hungary several times. |
Name: Ralph
Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Born in Germany, grew up in USA, married to German wife Time: 1997-02-21 01:02:00 Comments: Very nice page. I have some great airliner images I can send to you if you are interested. Just let me know. take care................Ralph |
Name: Chris
Website: Chris's Homepage Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Commerce, GA USA Time: 1997-02-18 17:59:00 Comments: Good page! |
Name: Laurie
Website: Creative Inspirations! Referred by: From LinkExchange From: New York City Time: 1997-02-18 12:05:00 Comments: Your internet link came up on my page and I was interested to see that you too work for the United Nations in some way. I work for an NGO "The Baha'i International Community" My page is personal page devoted to creativity and spirituality. Best wishes for success with your site. ![]() |
Name: Brianne
Website: Family Roots Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: New Jersey Time: 1997-02-18 10:33:00 Comments: Very nice page, and interesting too! Keep up the good work. |
Name: Dave
Website: Dave's Info Page Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Pennsylvania Time: 1997-02-17 01:53:00 Comments: Great Web Page! |
Name: PAUL
Referred by: Just Surfed On In! Time: 1997-02-16 08:53:00 Comments: NOT BAD ,I STILL PREFERE THE C-130 I WORK ON? |
Name: Timothy
M. Orban
Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Dayton,Ohio (My Orban ancestors:Martins Ferry,Ohio) Time: 1997-02-16 08:28:00 Comments: Andre: your website is excellent!! You have already included the information I sent you about the cannon maker which I sent you on Thursday 2-13-97. I appreciate your hard work in all your subjects- your photo also! I'll pass your address to others in my family who have internet service. Thanks, Tim Orban |
Name: Marilyn
Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Born in Calif. Moved all around the world! Time: 1997-02-12 16:36:00 Comments: Andre--I am so excited to see your work! My brother lives in Brussels (even though he isn't an Orbann!) maybe he can help at some point. I will try to get more of the Orbann info and get it to you. |
Name: Bluecat
Website: Blue Cat's Pond Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Swamp Time: 1997-02-10 16:05:00 Comments: Very nice page. |
Name: Nicole
Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Belgique Time: 1997-02-09 12:35:00 Comments: Je ne comprends que très peu l'anglais. Heureuse de voir qu'il y a d'autre Orban à travers le monde. J'habite Nivelles. Bonne continuation Nicole |
Name: David
Referred by: Word of Mouth From: USA, New Jersey, going to school in Nashville Time: 1997-01-31 00:28:00 Comments: I will be happy to send all the information my grandfather found when he researched our name while in Hungary. |
Name: Kathy
Referred by: Word of Mouth From: descendant from the Hungarian Orbans Time: 1997-01-30 13:30:00 Comments: Thanks for creating and working on this project. My grand- mother emigrated from Hungary to the US (East Chicago, IN) which had a substantial amount of Hungarians in the 1950's. Unfortunately, she passed away a few years ago and would of been an excellent source of info. She lived to be 100. I will work on some of my relatives to try to add to your info. |