Curiosities about the name Orban

Page Contents:
St. Orbán wine festival
A German castle with the name "Schloss Orban"

Villages with names similar to Orban, including
Orban, near Albi (France)
Orbán, near Orense in Galicia (Spain)

Do you know that:
There is a St. Orbán wine festival in Velence, Hungary. This festival is organised
on the last Saturday of May in honour of St. Orbán, patron saint
of winegrowers and innkeepers. On this occasion there is thanksgiving for
his work of the previous year. If he worked well and protected vinyeards
from damage his stone statue is sprinkled with muddy water. The verdict
and the ceremonial announcement of the wine competition results begins
at St. Orbán statue at 4.p.m. in Sárgaföldes Street,
Benge-Hill, Velence. The graduation can also be seen organised by St. Benedictus
wine order of Velence. Before, from 12 noon, there is a cultural programme,
an open market, a procession of wine orders, a litany and a street ball.
There is free wine-tasting of wines of the region.
World champion Garry Kasparov played chess against T. Orban and solved a
difficult problem. The solution had been described on Internet, but the
page has unfortunately been deleted.
A castle with the name "Schloss Orban" inspired this beautiful poem
in German.

Orban is a nice little village in the
region of Albi (France), near the Gorges du Tarn and described in the link.
Orbán is also the name of a village
in Spain (near Vigo, just North of Portugal), described in the link; in
addition, three villages in the Burgos area in Spain are called Orbaneja
del Castillo, Orbaneja-Riopico and Orbananoz (see
two villages in Hungary are called Orbantanya (1: between Budapest
and Debrecen; 2: in Vas county, close to the Austrian border) and one is
called Orbanyosfa (in Zala county, also close to Austria and Slovenia).
To see maps of all those places, enter their name and country at MapQuest.
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Last updated on 15 February 2008
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